Media Literacy and Information Management

Ficha de unidade curricular - Ano letivo 2019/2020

Code: CS100003
Acronym: EMGI
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences
Semester/Trimester: 1st Semester
Acronym Curricular Years ECTS
CS 5
Teaching weeks: 15
Weekly workload:
Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes
Head: Ana Maria Pires Pessoa
Lectures: Ana Maria Pires Pessoa
Fernando Alberto Pinho Alves

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This Unit intends to develop three different objetives: Documentation and the use of Information, Education for Media
understanding and Image comprehension and production. This aims are organized in five items: to see, to read, to
organize, to think about and to produce. The discussions, in theory and pratice, are accomplished during the classes and
in the evaluation of the final products students have to give to the teachers.


Media Education; Education with the media; Education in the media;
Educational Resource center: how to read an audioscriptovisual document;
Oral comunication and visual support;
How to write an essay: from research to the component parts and references. The construction of the message.
The relation between text, image and sound; basic elements of photography; equipments; photographic composition; dark camera and b/w; the construction of audiovisual messages; fixed images/transparencies and images in movement; from technical guides and guidelines to the reading of the images.
Information society: impact and issues; the Internet as a resource;
TIC and the developing of working projects; text edition and tehe integration of images in different supports; working on images, data and production of work in different supports (form paper to powerpoint, ...).

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Each student must know, organize and plane comunictaion activities, specialy oral and written or in other supports;
They learn how to define the previous questions for an essay (from the definiton of the theme to the construction of the
questions and the importance of the resources). They look for the inofrmation in different supports and they identifie the
forms of organizing the information (from the traditional library to the modern virtual or real resource center). They
comunicate using all the documents available. They must produce apropriate documents for different comunicative
intentions (form flyers to mupies, photographies, video or multimedia) and they analyse and think about the media
speaches to understand the complexity of societies and contemporary cultures in order to act on them when they think
about the big possibilities of the Media Education.

Teaching methodologies

The sessions are focused on discussions in the classroom or in little groups, using the information given by the
teachers or gathered by the students.
The process is based on: reading, discussion and text analysis; observation of different information supports; writing of small comments in the classroom; study visit to the Resource Center; presentation and discussion of the essays and audiovisual work done by the students; Each academic year, the students must read a book – an important one – to think about present day problems and social (or other) issues.
This year, they are reading How to lose a country: seven steps from democracy to dictatorship (2019) from Ece Temelkuran. In a second phase, in group, they must produce and present, in public, an audiovisual product in order to show the competences they have reached in the Unit.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

In the class different strategies are used: presentation of the contents of the theory about Media Education, specialy the
most important for the Unit; analysis of theory and audiovisual documents; reflexion about the book choosen and, in
group, the reflexion and the production of a document, in an audiovisual support, which is observed in seminar session.
Teachers give tutorial support, in group or individualy, and it may be done in presence or through the Moodle Platform.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

In this unit the assessment has three components: the interventions in the sessions, some written texts and the reading of papers is 15% of the assessment.
The reflexive reading of a book, always diferente from year to year, about contemporary issues, to be read individual. This year the choice is on Ece Temelkuran (2019) - How to lose a country: seven steps from democracy to dictatorship. It is 40% of the final evaluation.
The production of an audiovisual product, in groups of 3/4 students, about a part of the book they have read. It is compulsery to be present during the presentation of all students. It has 45% of the evaluation.

Attendance system

Each student must be present in 50% of the sessions.


COUTINHO, Clara Pereira (2011) – Metodologia de investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas: teoria e prática. Porto:Almedina.
FIGUEIREDO, A D (2001). Novos Media e Nova Aprendizagem. In Novo Conhecimento, Nova Aprendizagem (p. 71), Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Pinto, Manuel; 2003; «Correntes da Educação para os Media em Portugal: Retrospetiva e Horizontes em Tempos de
Mudança»; in Revista Ibero Americana de Educação, n.º 32
SOUGUEZ, M.L (2001)..História da fotografia. Lisboa: Dinalivro.
VERÍSSIMO, J. (2001) – A publicidade da Benetton: um discurso sobre o real. Coimbra: Minerva Coimbra.

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